Saturday, September 28, 2013

Focus on Life Week 39 - Your Best Shot

I'm not sure that this is my best shot but it's one of my favourites for sure. I love winter, snow and everything that goes with cold and white weather. Icicles and christmas lights make me smile!

That's my Focus On Life Photo for this week.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Focus on Life Week 37 - In Motion

This weeks Focus on Life blog prompt is "In Motion". 

The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. - William Faulkner

I love this shot of my husband steer wrestling above. Taken about 5 or 6 years ago it's still one of my favourite action shots. The sorrel on the right is out steer wrestling horse Eazy, he's 33 now and pretty much retired (much to his dismay) but he can still bust out a move like this is he wants. 

For those of you not familiar with rodeo events I'll describe steer wrestling for you and maybe you can better appreciate this shot. The cowboy backs his horse into a "box" and the steer is held in a chute to the right of the cowboy and horse. Cowboy nods, gate opens to steers chute and out barrels steer. Cowboy on his horse leave the "box" as fast as they can. Another cowboy to the left of the steer (the hazer) rides close to the steer to keep it running straight. Cowboy scotches off the right hand side of his horse, lets go of his reins and hangs for sometimes several seconds until he's in a good spot to drop onto the steer, stop the steer and toss it on it's side. What still awe's me to this day is these horses do their job diligently with NO steering from the cowboy hanging off their back. 

When we bought Eazy it gave me a whole new appreciation for a horse that loves his job and does it well. His face lights up in the arena and he's always jostling to do his job well. He's been a joy to own over these many years and his retirement all though I'm sure boring for him seems to be keeping him happy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Boro Feather Video

I decided to do a simple video of how I make my boro feathers. They are really easy! Give them a go and feel free to shoot me any questions.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Focus on Life Week 36 - In Two

This weeks Focus on Life blog prompt is "In Pairs" and when I saw it I immediately knew which photo I would be using. This photo is old I'll admit, probably 4 years old. But it was a common sight every morning for about a year while these two horses shared a fence line. 

Indy (the horse on the left) is the "boss man" of the herd and loves to snooze, Redman (on the right) is the youngest and the trouble maker. Redman tends to mimic Indy and once Indy found a prime snoozing sot Redman was right there beside him.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013